When you purchase a giftcard, you'll get the benefit of using it at The Ristorante or The Market! PURCHASE HERE >
Refund & Shipping Policy
FEBRUARY 08, 2021
All online web sales, including Olive Oil and Gift Card purchases, are final with no refunds issued.
All orders, including Gift Cards, are shipped by the United State Postal Service (USPS), and sent via Standard Mail. Orders are typically received within three (3) to five (5) business days, but can take longer. Tracking is provided via email, confirming shipping as well as delivery.
Contact Information
The Market Al Fresca always welcomes your questions or comments regarding these Refund & Shipping Policies. If you believe that Al Fresca has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Al Fresca at:
The Market Al Fresca
1768 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Email: themarketalfresca@gmail.com
Phone: 978-851-3332